I admire all the branches of the military, but to me, there is a certain mystique about the Marines. I know some of you will disagree, but there’s something about the Marines. (My dad served with the U.S. Army-Go Army!) I always get a lump in my throat when I see them marching in a parade. My heart swells with pride. They also have the greatest commercials. Over two hundred years ago, the United States Marines were born. Soon after, they adopted the slogan, “Semper Fidelis” which is Latin for “Always Faithful.” (In Spanish it is, “Siempre Fiel.”) Over the years, they’ve shortened it to Semper Fi. As a matter of fact, never make the mistake that I have made in calling someone a former Marine. He will quickly and emphatically correct you and tell you, “I am not a former marine, once a Marine, always a Marine.”
I have written about my dad in past postings and you will have to bear with me as I continue to use him as an example. Dad and Mom were married on June 13, 1953. They made a covenant before God to love one another, to honor one another, to be there for better or worse, for each other thru sickness and health, to forsake all others until death part them. My parents did that until the Lord took Mom to glory. They were married 24 years, 7 months, and 27 days.
On July 23, 1980, Dad made that same covenant with my dear stepmom, Carmen. Since that day, they continue to fulfill those vows. Dad has endured many ups and many downs over the years. He has had many health issues, as well as Mom, and Carmen. Not to mention the lean financial years, which have been quite a few. Growing up, Mom could stretch a dollar like nobody’s business. But we always had a roof over our heads; we never missed a meal, and always had clean clothes to wear.
Dad also is a hopeless romantic. Dad knows how to treat a lady! I remember back in the 70’s, when it was very difficult to find sugar free candy for Mom, somehow Dad found a place in New York that sold sugarless chocolate. He would have it shipped to Mom for her birthday and Valentine’s Day. He would also send her cards thru the mail for those special occasions. He would bring home flowers to her. This is what I grew up witnessing. I saw a man who really loved his wife and took his vows seriously. I have also witnessed him do it again the second time. Because my dad has been faithful in the big things and small things, it has helped me understand the faithful of my Heavenly Father. When God’s Word says, “I will never leave you or forsake you,” I believe it!
My dad has always been “Siempre Fiel” to the women he has been given charge. He will stand before the Lord one day and be told, “Well done my good and faithful servant.” That is what I want for my life. How ‘bout you?
I don’t know what type of father you had growing up. If you didn’t have a father that showed you how to love and cherish a woman, find a man in your church that is that type of man. Ask the Father to show you thru His Word.
Our Heavenly Father is Semper Fi! Blessings on you today!
1 comment:
Thanks for that Ed! What a great story to live by! You are lucky tohave had a father and an example liek him.
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