Seven years ago today, January 4, 2003, I had the privilege to be united in matrimony to Stephanie. We had met two years earlier at a church retreat. It was one of those meetings that went, "Hi my name is Ed. Nice to meet you." And that was the end of that. Six months later I saw her again at a church Singles Leadership retreat. Again, we exchanged pleasantries and went our own ways. This time it was only a couple of months later when she went with a group of us to eat after church one Sunday night.
A group of our church single adults went out every Sunday night to eat after church. The group could range from six to thirty. It seemed Stephanie was getting more involved and I was getting to know her more and more. I never saw her as more than a friend and the feeling for her was the same.
As time progressed, we found ourselves kind of hanging out. One evening three of us, Stephanie, her friend, Tiffany, and myself went to play putt-putt. Afterwards, we all piled into my car to go grab a bite. When we got back, Tiffany started to pepper me with questions. I had nothing to hide and gave them my story.
A couple of months later, Stephanie invited me to spend the day after Thanksgiving with her and her family. I already knew her Mom & Dad from church and really liked them. Her older brother, wife and two kids were there also. They were very funny and have a great sense of humor. I had a blast hanging out with them.
The next day, Saturday, her brother and family were heading back to Oklahoma. Stephanie and I hung out the rest of the day by ourselves. We decided to go to a movie that evening. we had a little more than an hour to kill before the movie started. I decided it was DTR time. (Determine The Relationship) I told Stephanie we needed to talk. I asked her, "Are we dating?" In which she replied, "I don't know, are we?" Great! she threw it back on me.
"Stephanie, you know I don't date around. The only reason I would date anyone is strictly to get married." I continued, "If we are going to date, there are some non-negotiables." I went on to rattle off about six items. I do not remember those six items, but I know it was the Holy Spirit speaking thru me, because they were very good. In the back of my mind, I recall saying to myself, "Someone should be writing this down, because this is good stuff." I concluded with saying, "Stephanie, you have to agree 100% with all of what I have said or we have to go our separate ways and just be friends." Stephanie just nodded yes. I then said, "Great! Now let's go see the movie."
We courted for the next thirteen months. Looking back, we really could have gotten married that night. That's how sure I was God had put us together. Stephanie has been much much more than I could have ever thought I needed. God knew exactly what type of woman I needed as a "suitable helper."
I have had so much fun in the last seven years with Stephanie and I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for us in the future. God has blessed me with an incredible godly, beautiful, smart wife that makes me laugh a lot.
Happy Seventh Anniversary to The Princess! I love you! Besos!