I have to confess to you a guilty pleasure of mine. I like to watch American Idol. My wife and I have been watching since Season 4. I picked Carrie Underwood to win the whole thing from very early on. We watch it from the tryouts till the very end. Every season, as I watch the tryouts, I am always amazed how people who have no musical abilities, believe with all their hearts, they will be the “Next American Idol”.
I know some of them are just trying to be as outlandish as possible to make it on the show. But there are many who are just horrible who really think they can sing. When they get the obvious rejection, first they can’t believe they’re not making it to Hollywood. Then they will start to cry, because their dreams have been dashed. Many times they have their families there and they’re crushed too. As they try to console their rejected loved one, they’ll turn to the camera and tell America that the judges are just wrong!
These people are in complete denial. For the first time in their life, someone has had the guts to tell them the harsh truth: They can’t sing! Afterwards, they’re hurt and angry. There many a folk out there that are living a life of denial. You may have tried to tell them the truth about salvation thru Jesus Christ and they continue to reject it. They would rather listen to their own ideas and beliefs. It breaks my heart to see so many folks turning their backs on God. As you and I know, one day we all must come before the “One who judges all of mankind”, “the One true Judge.” They are in for a rude awakening.
The Bible is very clear on this. In the Gospel according to John, Jesus is trying to explain the power of Satan and why people do not believe Him.
"Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say. You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe me! "(John 8:43-45)
Pretty straightforward, huh? Jesus understands who Satan is, he is the father of lies. Have you met someone in such denial of the truth, even though they know the truth deep down? This goes for Christians who have allowed themselves to fall away. A few years ago, I was asked to go talk with an old friend of my wife’s family. He had decided to leave his wife after close to 40 years of marriage. He had found somebody else and decided to leave his family behind and marry this new woman. He was so much in denial of the truth and his heart was so cold and hard that no matter what we said to him, his mind was made up. All of this hurt my wife so much as she had always looked up to this man as an uncle. She cried all the way home. To think he was willing to destroy his wife, three grown children and their grandchildren for self gratification. My friend, this is buying into the lies of Satan.
How can we avoid this pitfall? There are four ways:
1.) Stay in God’s Word. Study it, mediate on it, and live by it.
2.) Pray. Stay in communication with the Father.
3.) Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and strength.
4.) Have a couple of friends to keep you accountable, to help you when you start to stray.
I pray for you to continue to do these four things to know what Truth is.
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