Most girls liked to hear the one of Prince Charming. The Princess would go thru all this turmoil, but in the end her prince, riding on a white horse, came to save the day. Most women still believe in that fairy tale. She wants her husband to take care of things. She wants her Prince Charming. Studies show that the number one need a woman has is security.
Security comes in several ways. One way is thru physical safety. She needs to feel that if she was confronted with a physical threat; her man would step in and take care of business. This doesn’t mean you get into a physical altercation to prove your manhood, but she needs to know you would if it came down to it. The Bible is very clear about this. In Ephesians, Paul tells us, "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her." (Ephesians 5:25)
Men, this means if need be, you must be willing to lay down your life for your wife and family. God has wired us to be protectors. Several months ago, my wife and I went to dinner with another couple. After dinner, the wife told me in passing of what had happened to her earlier that evening. She said while opening her car door, she accidently bumped the car parked next to them. The man happened to be in the car and he jumped out and proceeded to berate her. Her husband just walked away. My mouth just dropped open. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I pulled the husband over to the side and explained to him how different that scenario would have been if that would have happened to my wife and me. My Latin blood would have started to boil.
Does your wife feel secure? Does your wife see you as her knight in shining armor? My prayer is that you will understand your role as protector.
1 comment:
Sir Knight, that was an excellent post. Signed The Mending Court Jester. BTW what do you use to keep a shine on your armour? Don't all knights use Armour All.
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