Friday, November 21, 2008

Accountability to One Another

I know that many of you have heard the term “accountability”. That word is a big buzz word right now, with all of that’s going on in our country financially and the big bail outs. Americans do not want to just give a blank check of billions to the Big 3 Auto makers. They want them to be held “accountable”. In other words, Americans want to know how they plan to spend that money and they want some check and balances. It did not help their situation when the 3 top executives flew from Detroit to DC aboard their private jets costing $20,000 per jet.

In a man’s life, we all need accountability. We need someone we can trust to ask us the hard questions in life. We also need someone to bounce off ideas. A man, who is not accountable to anyone, is headed for destruction.

I know of a family that is headed for divorce all because there hasn’t been anyone in his life for him to be accountable. For whatever reason, all men feel they have to cover up and keep things inside. We all feel that the thoughts that fill our minds are just us and no else think those things. Well, I’m here to tell you that you’re WRONG! All men have those thoughts.

The question is not whether you have these thoughts or not, but how long do you entertain them? And do you act out on them? You see, with no one keeping you accountable, it is easy to go down that slippery slope. That is what has happened to this man. He entertained, then with no one to be accountable to, he started acting out a little bit at a time. He entered the world of porn, but it did not stop there. It went onto seeking out more.

Men, I want you to heed this warning: We all are vulnerable to go down that same road. I know many of us have dabbled in that world. I pray you have someone to help you. Also, ask the Lord for strength to stay away. Ask Him for men to come into your life and pour into you.

I heard this about sin:
* Sin will always take you further than you were willing to go.
* Sin will keep you longer than you were willing to stay.
* And sin will cost you more than you were willing to pay.

Brother, if you do not have someone, I pray you will think of someone in your church you can be accountable with.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed visiting your site and will continue to pray for you as you seek God's direction in your life.