Monday, November 9, 2009

"I Am This Way Because..."

My Daddy is a disabled vet from the Korean War. You have no idea how proud I am of him. He is my hero and always will be. My dad's kneecap was blown off by an artillery shell. His left leg is three inches shorter than his right. He has to wear a special made shoe and walks with a pronounced limp. His doctors inserted a steel rod that runs from his hip almost all the way to his ankle. He has scars on his stomach, his backside, and right leg where the doctors pieced together his left leg so they wouldn't have to amputate it. He spent almost two years in the hospital from this. He also has a a small piece of shrapnel that floats around his body that they cannot removed.

I have told this story before, but as we commemorate Veteran's Day, I am quickly reminded of it. Several years ago, my little brother, who was about twelve tears old, somehow had gotten a hold of a small American flag. You know the kind, it's glued to a round wooden stick. As any young boy, he ran around the house waving that flag and making it pop. When he was done with it, he just dropped it on the ground. My dad saw him do this and told to pick it up. My brother, not knowing the significance of his actions, asked the questions, "Why? What's the big deal?" I saw the anger build up inside of him and answer with tears in his eyes and a quivering voice, "I am this way, because of that flag!" As he answered, he pointed to his lower torso.

All my life I have been taught to respect that flag, but that day I fully comprehended the sacrifice my dad alongside millions have endured for this great country we call the United States of America.

We are fortunate to have been born in a democracy and we owe it all to those who were willing to serve in our armed forces. For that, we say, "Thank You!"

(In closing, if the picture at the heading doesn't move you and speak volumes, then you'd better check and see if you even have a heartbeat. )


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