Well that day has arrived. Today, July 9, 2009, at 12:46am, I officially turn the Big 5-0! The funny part of this is I don’t feel fifty and I’ve been told by many of my friends that I don’t look it either. I have all my hair (& then some) and very little of it is gray. By the way, I don’t color my hair, either.
As I look back over the years, I see many good accomplishments and many mistakes I have made. All these have molded me into the person that I am today. I have been blessed to have had two great parents who loved me enough to discipline me on a very regular basis, because I really needed it. We’ll leave it at that. Okay, one thing about my dad. Let’s just say my dad played semi-pro baseball and he hit for distance. My parents also loved me enough not to only present to me the Gospel, but they lived it out.
Almost ten years ago, the Lord had to bring me to a painful place to set my path right. Looking back at this time turned out to be exactly what I needed. He restored me to be much better than I had ever been. My middle age crisis has been, “How can I get to know you better God?” He has been faithful and has revealed Himself more and more each day.
I have learned in the last ten years what it means to live under grace. Do I completely understand it? No, but I but I’m learning. It’s hard, because we live in a society where we believe we have to earn His grace, His mercy, and His love.
Many thoughts have been going thru my mind as I turn fifty, you that have know what I mean; you start really thinking of your mortality. You realize your days are numbered. But this time it’s a little more real. Especially for me in the past couple of weeks two famous people died at the age of 50, Michael Jackson and Billy Mays, the Oxy-Clean pitchman.
I find myself standing in awe of our God Almighty. I stand on awe, because in spite of my many short-comings and faults (and I’ve had more than most), He still wants to use me. He confirms each day that He has a calling on my life and I do not want to take that lightly. I want “to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” (Ephesians 4:1-4)
I also want you to strengthen your relationship with the Lord. I want to help you if I can. I am no Bible scholar, I know the One who wrote the Book, personally. I want you to experience the greatness and fullness of God the Father.
I hope you have a great day. Take time today to drink in the Word of God and press yourself into the Savior Jesus Christ. Ask the Holy Spirit to take you there.
1 comment:
Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday To you! Happy Birthday to Ed! Happy Birthday to You! That really sounded good. Is it a huge milestone or millstone?
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