It's been a while since I last wrote an article for this blog. You could say I've been on a bit of a writing sabaticol.
I heard my pastor say this in one of his sermons recently and I have been chewing on this for about a week. And I want to share with you my thoughts on this.
We all acknowledge that we live in a fallen world and this means we will fall daily into sin. Some of the sin might be new sin, but most of it is the same sin we have been dealing with for years.
In the Christian life, we struggle. But it is the Christian that is rooted in the Word of God that has a different perspective on sin. He is the one who will run to the Father with his shortcomings. The immature Christian or non-believer will hide from God with his sin.
A very close brother gave me an analogy his pastor had given him. He said that when he was growing up, he learned a very valuable lesson from his older brother. He observed that when his brother had acted up and was due a spanking from their father, his brother would always try to run away. He said this never worked , because his father had a hand like vise. So he would grab his brother with one hand and with the other pull out the belt. With the brother at arm's length away, their father had plenty of momentum to come from way back and strike.
The pastor thought about it and decided a different approach. He would run to his father and hug him. This would hinder the dad from retrieving his belt and because he was so close, the dad had no leverage. So the impact of the belt was minimal and as a matter of fact, the dad would end up hitting himself half the time.
It makes me wonder, what would have happened if Adam and Eve instead of hiding from God in the garden after sinning, they would have run to the Father? My question to you today is: where are you running? Are you running to the Father or away? My prayer for you is that you will run with your arms wide open to the Father.